Specialized Recipes for Diverse Diets

Finally, a company that provides the food sensitive gourmet with a wide variety of unique and varied flavours to expand your dining experience.

Small batches made-to-order allow recipe alterations for people with allergies, health restrictions and personal preferences to add spectacular foods back into their diets. Can't do garlic? No problem. Allergic to cinnamon? No problem. Choosing no white sugar? No problem.

Using only in season local produce combined with high quality ingredients, and no artificial anything, we're confident our quality and taste will impress. Send your pre-orders in today and start stocking up to enjoy gourmet foods all year long. Because we only use in-season, once the produce is done, it's gone until next year.

Latest Products
Frozen Asparagus Soup
Local Strawberries
Local Asparagus
Pickled Asparagus
Asparagus in Water
Strawberries in Honey Syrup
Frozen Rhubarb Galette
Frozen Strawberry Galette